something to believe in

" If Your Not Ready to Die For Your Beliefs , Why do You Believe in Them "?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Penny for your thoughts

Perimeter pennies .

" If you had a penny for every Insult you allow to happen , you'd have enough for a good party .

If you charged a penny you wouldn't have insults , you'd have Respect ."

Gianfranco Fronzi . May  / 21 / 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Relaxing the tight spot , "free download "

Perimeter Ponds

In life my friends there's only one way to go . And that is into the future .

What has occurred in the past " May " effect your future , but "Maybe not ?

So if your wondering about some indiscretions , their power of bothering you is causing the future to happen onto you .

Just look forward and go , there's not much you can do about it .

" I'm not capable of effecting your future , other than a lucky strike , but I will gladly walk along with anyone into our future ."

Arrivederci Baby .

Gianfranco Fronzi . Friday April / 10 / 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Impression , studio evolute

Perimeter posters

I feel that as a species , or rather a life form , impressions are important .

 But referring to the human species ,impressions are greatly effecting our judgments in life .

 Thus we get the wrong impressions .
Yet even when knowing that the impression is wrong we still fall for the impression we like , rather

than   what's known to be true .

This type of behavior covers a large area in human existence .

From Love to discrimination .

 Yet possibly not a wrong a wrongful thing  , considering we've survived with wrong impressions as a species .

This is due to the point that the wrong impression , isn't realized as wrong , as long as it is needed by the one entertaining themselves with a wrong impression .

Once the viewpoint of your dreamed impression say of someone else , doesn't fill our need to entertain it .

It all falls apart .

After a consecutive destructions of heartfelt impressions , the human then becomes harder to impress , and a new part of life overcomes us , the part that could be defined with the word sapient , or wise person .

Thanks .
Gianfranco Fronzi
April /6/2013