something to believe in

" If Your Not Ready to Die For Your Beliefs , Why do You Believe in Them "?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Carnivore , Sault Ontario , North , South , East and West .

Perimeter prices .

The position taken on MANKINDS taste for flesh is a complicated one . The Holy Men of India saw meat as the perfect food , since the digestion of roughage is already done for us . But they only ate it when meat energy was needed , to strengthen , otherwise the body was kept on a minimal diet of all foods especially meat .
The spiritual drawback is in the relationship the meat eater has with his meat . In earlier times the meat source , say a cow , was raised and well known by the owner , basically it was a family friend .
When it's flesh was needed there was a sacrificial demonstration to thank both their Deity and their friend the cow . Having removed ourselves from appreciation of life for appreciation of taste , has removed a piece of existence   that also took our appreciation of all life , even ours .
Thank You .

Gianfranco Fronzi . April  / 29 / 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Consciousness , Sault , East West North South

I'm a bit confused , I can't let go of the fact that if my consciousness wasn't observing life , that life wouldn't continue on without my observation .
So if on another consciousness it's 100 degrees to freezing point it is a completely different existence , and thus changes the freezing point ?
Lets use a better example , money , if a dollar in the USA  and a dollar in Canada are worth different in buying power , then Canada and the US are different states of consciousness ? In a way I guess ? But in the big picture both dollars contain the same buying power it just takes more or less to place a value that is equal .
Does this make sense ? I do believe it does ? So scrap the mumbo jumbo and realize the reality of this consciousness . It freezes the same here all the time , even if you say 0 degrees or 100 degrees .

Meat , Sault , East , West , North , South

Perimeter plates .

The position taken on MANKINDS taste for flesh is a complicated one . The Holy Men of India saw meat as the perfect food , since the digestion of roughage is already done for us . But they only ate it when meat energy was needed , to strengthen , otherwise the body was kept on a minimal diet of all foods especially meat .
The spiritual drawback is in the relationship the meat eater has with his meat . In earlier times the meat source , say a cow , was raised and well known by the owner , basically it was a family friend .
When it's flesh was needed there was a sacrificial demonstration to thank both their Deity and their friend the cow . Having removed ourselves from appreciation of life for appreciation of taste , has removed a piece of existence   that also took our appreciation of all life , even ours .
Thank You .
Gianfranco Fronzi . April / 27 / 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Who's Image are you ?

Perimeter prines .
I've been busy , so feast on this , a bit I wrote on a Youtube Video .
Well it's my attempt to explain how I look at the mystery of what I deeply suspect is the right words , using the English language . So here goes , hang on to your helmets .

This debate of creationists , where they believe the Earth to be a few thousand years old is some fanatic splinter group , because there are creationist scientists , doctors , all professions , that have actually seen things that have no rational explanation . If you look at the Universe , it seems to come down to one singular part , that being , " Energy " . Yes , heat fire , spark , life .
Why is it so hard for people to vision that biological life is , " Intelligent Energy " ?
Having said that , imagine another directed Intelligent Energy , but an older more larger than us , so large that it contains our universe if not more , and we live on one of it's spinoffs of a shard of it's energy potential .
Do you vision what I've just written ? And the ancients wrote that we're made in his image , well our problem is we don't know what we look like . When you look in the mirror that chunk of meat isn't you .
You glow .
Gianfranco Fronzi . April / 20 / 2014