something to believe in

" If Your Not Ready to Die For Your Beliefs , Why do You Believe in Them "?

Saturday, July 7, 2018


How much of life is chance..?
You would be surprised to see that very little is just chance or luck.
Oh he just stepped off the curb and a truck killed him.
Well why does a person do this?
I'm sure it's not suicide.
But an accumulation of reasons.
All but the truck being on time is luck.
I'm pretty sure everyone steps off a curb once or twice, but the truck wasn't there.
This comes in my section on " Luck " .
So stay tuned for   "Fronzis rants after smoking a joint " .
Luck episode.
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  " Mech Trucks " .
You've  never been anywhere till you get taken out by a .
" Mech Truck " .
Gianfranco Fronzi.
July 7 2018.

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