something to believe in

" If Your Not Ready to Die For Your Beliefs , Why do You Believe in Them "?

Monday, December 12, 2016

Something is missing

There's something missing today , i can't put my finger right on it .
A loss of trust , maybe a rudderless world of bankrupt morals ? I don't have the word , funny me without words .
This recent election is adding to the effect .
IT almost seems that the dream that was America has fizzled away and we never feared our authorities , we didn't have to worry about our friends , we didn't need disclaimers , lists of additives and dangers on our foods .We didn't have any doubts about the females in our lives .
Summers were spent doing chores or long talks while sitting on huge trees .We were all ready to help our neighbors or anyone that needed it .
An elderly lady didn't need a taser to protect her groceries because we'd be carrying them home for her . Were we a bunch of naive losers? I don't think so ? Because we were all ready to fight to get Dorothy back to Kansas .

Gianfranco Fronzi Dec . 12 / 2016

Sexless Angels

I've known that the entities that are called angels have no sex organs but still look either masculine or feminine for years . If as the bible say's God first created man and gave him a companion woman why would man have testicles when he didn't need them until woman was around ? Why because mankind originated in heaven and wasn't a sexual entity until he became human . Why do both sexes have nipples ? Why do they basically have the same makeup ? because your sex is the last part of your development in the womb . The first part you could be any creature of the mammalian species .

Gianfranco Fronzi . dec . 12 / 2016

Lest we forget

Lest We Forget
Does everyone on Earth realize that we were not long ago being set up for a world war ?
What happened ?
Does everyone now see how war is set up for us ?
Well may I suggest ?
If it happens again , nobody , American , Russian , Chinese , or anyone .
Goes to fight .

HOW dare you .

Yes . How dare someone tell anybody else they can't possess or consume a plant growing at their feet ? We have been fooled long enough give us back our planet .

Gianfranco Fronzi . Dec . 12 / 2016

Legislate ourselves

Can mankind legislate a quickening of the progression of it\s own species and is it worth doing ?
To be perfect as a society can be , is it possible to legislate global as in the nazi selective breeding for a super race ?
The argument hasn't even been made in any way , or is it lurking in the back of most peoples minds ?
Considering that most people especially the ones that are completely negative in nature , people who murder for any reason viewed by them as making the race more superior because everybody must think of themselves as superior ? And they base their superiority on the fact  they are trickier or are on a mission to pick a corpses pocket ?
It's not a question it's a fact that can't be denied , on my perusal of the species Homo Sapiens , it is a weird mix of individuals that would never move to some community levels because their in their own world not the big picture , and to some they'ed be proud and boast of killing someone for five dollars or some stupid jealousy .
Then there is the new type of race that just showed up lately that have a connection with other forces and can see many viewpoints at once , instead of their viewpoint being something they feel valuable or cheap the don't care because they are with their spectra vision not even paying attention to what's in somebody else's pocket  .
The many different types and situations that make up a race is complicating any type of communal type that would guaranty a logical functioning , it would have to be almost as militaristic as possible .
The technology doesn't spill over in the swamp or in the houses of the desirable , and every step forwards is taken away by a self-interest type specimen that usually is up to ten steps back .
Guaranteeing that up till recently mankind hasn't really moved in thought at all , it is the same creature today that it was in it's conception .
A different way of walking or style but no different at all .
I'm not in loathing but fear for them because their values are governed not rooted in a common way of thought , yet they all say that their life is just a normal everyday common one , it is actually  intertwined with many values that they secretly have .
Effecting an unpredictable outcome , one that keeps it in the same place .
If you throw a pile of sticks and look at the outcome it really doesn't matter it's still a pile of sticks .

Gianfranco Fronzi   Dec. 12/ 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trump Wins Election 2016 . MONOPOLY .

On tuesday's election what was not expected  happened , Donald Trump , a rather unsavory character to be President of the United States .
Won the election against , long governmental career , Hillary Rodham Clinton .
Who , if elected would have been the first female US President .
Trump on the other hand is not a politicean but a wealthy sore loser .
Imagine a nation that has temporarily lost it's identity is now represented by a classless . rich , sore loosing , Capitalist .   Who's battle cry is ,
Exactly what does that mean ?
Make it wealthier ?
Make it steal more  global territory ?
Define great .
Because the last time the U . S . was great to me anyways , was when it didn't give a damn obout any other political strife unless you got withen shooting range .
  I could be all wrong . Trump could  be what the U.S.  needs right now ?
 But the term History is Written by the Wnners , doesn't apply to A presidential Position .
It is reviewed from the end of the term in office .

Gianfranco Fronzi
NOV. 10 . 2016

Friday, November 4, 2016

This is how it starts

This video is what I like to call Brainwashing . In many ways . First, we are attracted by the topic , possibly a military or at least a big change in Israeli / U .S . A. , RELATIONS . Then we hear what comes across as a person that has no real information but possibilities of what we want to get excited about it's almost narcotic . So when it's over or during , we feel like more entertainment , whose gonna die ? Well even though , no quotes , no reason , or film clip , proved the reactions inevitable . Or that Obama said anything , yet we have left with the idea that it Looks like Trouble . And this is how they brainwashed you and put in acceptance of the inevitable troubled Relations . I'd like you to know I fought with my Turrets Syndrome to write this drivel .
Gianfranco Fronzi
Fri . 11/ 2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

War Anyone

Ar we going to give up our future on war ?
Now I'm in my sixties , and i dont care what you all do . but what a possibility mankind would bean .
When just as we get running , landing on mofo comets , new science is growing in knowledge by the day , but we want to just waste our time money , and resources on war .
Get a grip assholes , you are not our leaders because we want to fuck up .



Perimeter ponderings .
Drug war , " A possible Solution "
The drug users construct themselves to become who they want to be with their " Drugs of Choice ".
Yet the drugs , are on this planet to use as we wish .
Therefore , the drug " User " , and the " Drug of choice " , are both part of a biological system , designed to be monitored by the " User "?
Who's to judge ? You all are .
If " Society " doesn't like the Users Personality " created by their drugs , They should be dealt with as an individual , not , the Drug made unavailable to everyone .
Then taking fom the " Users " their ability to construct their " Personality of choice ".
Am I making some sense here ?
If I'm not please rebutt , otherwise this entry stands as the the truth .
Gianfranco Fronzi . October / 14 / 2013

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Get a grip

Ar we going to give up our future because of war ?
Now I'm in my sixties , and I don't care what you all do . but what a possibility mankind would have  been .
When just as we get running , landing on mofo comets , new science is growing in knowledge by the day , but we want to just waste our time money , and resources on war .
Get a grip assholes , you are not our leaders because we want to fuck up .

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Putin Begs Media To Wake Up

Gianfranco Fronzi  . July 13 / 2016

Monday, July 11, 2016

US NATO To Attack Putin Military Drills in Russia WW3

How does a video cause a world war ?

You just saw it .
What an insult to all of humanity , our tactics are childish , we draw lines in the sand and dare each other to cross them . Thank you all for doing a poor job , and having no consideration for the people of Earth , and Russia and America .
You will be judged by us , and we are not poor uneducated agrarian societies that will believe anything you all spew .
We will watch you and pass our judgement , your media will become our media , and you will become our prisoners , both RUSSIA and NATO will feel the reaction of their own people .
May God have mercy .

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Money . The SOLUTION .

If you are looking for a solution that could cause a real change ?
Well we impose laws on drug use or monopolise .
Well then why not limit the amount of money a certain individual or organisation can posses or make at one time .
This would be a global law and would put mankind in a more reasonable state .
One where greed or power can not grip us down but direct money where it is most needed .

Limit the root of all evil .

Gianfranco Fronzi . June / 26 / 20/ 2016

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The End Of the WORLD

Gianfranco Fronzi ,

June / 5 / 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Elephant

This video is a heads up to all sentient beings , that there is a creature that's sane , noble , and intelligent on earth . The way they greet themselves , the way they investigate , their sobriety . Lady Sheldrick defines it the best , Quote
" It must be so beautiful to be a baby elephant , with all of your family , aunts , uncles , nothing but love . But that's how it's supposed to be , in a perfect world ".
Thank you Ms. Sheldrick 
Gianfranco Fronzi  5/4/2916

Give tt back .

Any laws that restrict the use of any biological earth based substance , are ;laws of imposition . They are imposing on your right   to use a plant that is growing at your feet , so they can have exclusive powers to control and profit . Not caring about your health but their gain .

Gianfranco FRONZI . 5/4/2016

Sunday, January 10, 2016

As it was in the Days of Noah -The Real Reason for the Flood -Transhuman...

You can guess what a supposed group of special people want you to think , but what do they offer ?

I believe that Noah was a scientist in a pre known world of high tech ,nology .
At his quest to preserve the lifeforms on earth was an impending
disaster , probably an object that they could see heading for earth . So he collected as much DNA of all life he could and with a smaller vessel than an Ark he waited for the impact .
He survived it but most of the earth was
disrupted ,
I feel his first contact with humanity again was in the
MID-EAST , Egypt , the LEVANT , or the areas within reach of the main remaining megaliths .
As can be viewed on Egyptian stoneworks, the attempts to restore life DNA was confusing because a mix of
human , animal life forms are depicted , these as we now know couldn't reproduce .
And so
on .
Gianfranco Fronzi . JAN . / 10 / 2016