Perimeter pancakes .
" Hiding in the open light ".
This statement is possibly the most poignant of how to structure life .
Nothing to hide , just like a public figure , after all we're all public figures .
But taking it on the chin and giving all spiritual freedom , is the way to go .
This keeps us honest .
And we all know honesty is the best policy .
To weigh the pain of , honesty as compared to dishonesty , is a personal thing , all relative to how much we enjoy pain , or this variety of pain .
The irony is , that the one we might choose is harder to perform than the alternative .
In other words , put simply , to steal something , is harder work than actually earning it .
So lets pull up , tighten our belts when right and wrong are concerned .
I know , life can be choppy , but smear everything but your soul .Even if it is black .
Arrivederci fellow humans .
Gianfranco Fronzi . November / 1 / 2012
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