something to believe in

" If Your Not Ready to Die For Your Beliefs , Why do You Believe in Them "?

Friday, August 31, 2012

Community Earth , comments to live by

Perimeter pulpits , here's your infusion , Niki running shoes and cool aid free .

Everything spoken, except for the words your reading , has at it's  roots in , " Money ".

The modern world has  left behind it's most important lesson of the " hunter gatherer ",

" Community "

If people are that stupid they deserve the world they get .

So we've got to up it for the modern world .

We need a " World Community "  , no not communism , " World  Community " .

You Like ? Get on it .
This is completely a must at this point , no matter what position we hold .

Because the disruption of a society bent on riches , will disrupt from rich to poor , authoritative to commoner .

Personally i don't care , but you all should . Because  they're  gonna crank up the heat . I've done my sweat session .

Now spouting this drivel is my direction , so far .

If the community asked , i would have to stick to my words , for free .

Gianfranco Fronzi . August / 31 / 2012

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