something to believe in

" If Your Not Ready to Die For Your Beliefs , Why do You Believe in Them "?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Frozen in Ice Award , Multilevel , Word COMMENTS

Perimeter pancakes .
For the multilevel English word ,  award , the winner
                                              " Suggestion " .
As in , is a corrupt suggestion worse off , than a helping suggestion .
Let's tear this apart , in  other words , is the power of suggestion a neutral , objective , word ?
Or does it's ability to influence move like fingers on a piano ?
The dimensions this word could open ?
Therefore the multilevel award .
Arrivederci baby .
Gianfranco Fronzi .  October / 21 / 2012


Babara Yount said...

how did u add welcome page..can you give the script so that I can use it.

Arvilla said...

Let's tear this apart , in other words , is the power of suggestion a neutral , objective , word ?

Gianfranco Fronzi said...

I would agree with a multifaceted description of "suggestion " .