something to believe in

" If Your Not Ready to Die For Your Beliefs , Why do You Believe in Them "?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I Get It , comments , addendum ,Sault Canada

Perimeter players .

I see your searching .

Good , don't ever stop .
If you stop you'll die .

I'm  big on keeping the space exploration going.
Yet i see the youth , today , think the money could be used for more Earthly problems .

They don't see that there isn't any problems .
And Earth is doing fine without us , it's because of us that there's problems .

 But without space exploration , we'd throw away the biggest laboratory there is .
We haven't seen nothing yet .

Our survival i'm  sure , may depend on a new trick.
Still hidden in some crag on a distant planet .
Otherwise it's all there , just like it's billed .

And well worth the price of admittance .

Arrivederci baby .

Gianfranco Fronzi . October /20 / 2012


Shelba Paterson said...

Thank YOu For YOur HElp, I used it in my blog

Dreama said...

Yet i see the youth , today , think the money could be used for more Earthly problems .

Gianfranco Fronzi said...

Thanks for the interest .
G. Fronzi